Synechiae spatula double-ended cataract surgery spatula instruments
Titanium ophthalmic instruments customized synechiae spatula,cataract surgery spatula surgical instruments,semi-sharp tips,double-ended,0.50/0.25mm wide,0.5/0.7mm wide,0.5/1.2mm wide,overall length 122/126mm.
Synechiae spatula iris restorer surgical instrument ophthalmic hook
Titanium ophthalmic hook synechiae spatula,instruments surgical hooks,repositor synechiae,angled,semi-sharp tips,straight,overall length 120/122/128mm.
Kansas lens loops serrated ophthalmic surgical instrument
Ophthalmic lens surgical instrument,kansas lens loops,serrated,for small incision nucleus fragment removal,3×8mm/4×6mm/5×7mm/3×9.5mm/3×12mm/3×14mm serrated/6×7mm long loop smooth,120mm/125mm/130mm long,made of titanium,reusable surgery instruments.
Nightingale capsule polishers ophthalmic surgical instruments hook
Titanium ophthalmic instruments surgical nightingale capsule polishers,single-end & double-ended,suitable for anterior and posterior capsule polishing,Overall length 130/135mm.
Lester Iol Manipulator lens hook Ophthalmic Phaco Chopper Surgical Instrument
Ophthalmic phaco chopper surgical instrument,lester iol manipulator lens hook t-shaped tip,v-shaped tip,paddle sharped tip,iol manipulator for lens with or without holes,angled and curved,Made of titanium,Reusable surgery Instruments